Mild thermal processing of cashew apple juice using ohmic heating

Mild thermal processing of cashew apple juice using ohmic heating


  • G. N. Ashitha Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Tavanur 679 573, Kerala, India
  • M.V. Prince Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Tavanur 679 573, Kerala, India
  • K.P. Sudheer College of Horticulture, K.A.U. P.O., Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur 680 656, Kerala, India


Ohmic heating, Voltage gradient, Temperature, Holding time


Cashew apple is an under exploited fruit crop due to its seasonal and highly perishable nature. Ohmic heating is adopted for processing and preservation of cashew apple juice. Ohmic heating is widely accepted for the inactivation of enzymes and microorganisms. The optimization of ohmic heating process parameters such as voltage gradient, holding time and temperature was done based on the microbial inactivation and the variation in physico-chemical qualities of cashew apple juice. The cashew apple juice was ohmic heated at different voltage gradients (10-15 V/cm) temperatures (50-60°C) and holding times (1-5 min). Maximum microbial reduction was obtained in treatment with higher voltage gradients, temperature, and time. A treatment with a voltage gradient of 12.5 V/cm, temperature of 60°C and a holding time of 5 min resulted in highest microbial reduction. A significant change in ascorbic acid content and total colour difference was observed with the increase in temperature and treatment time. A voltage gradient of 14.21 V/cm, process temperature of 55.47°C and holding time of 2.43 min was found to be the optimum conditions for ohmic heating conditions.

Author Biographies

G. N. Ashitha, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Tavanur 679 573, Kerala, India

Dept. of Processing and Food Engineering, KCAET Tavanur

M.V. Prince, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Tavanur 679 573, Kerala, India

Professor & Head, Dept. of Processing and Food Engineering, KCAET Tavanur

K.P. Sudheer, College of Horticulture, K.A.U. P.O., Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur 680 656, Kerala, India

Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara


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How to Cite

Ashitha, G. N., Prince, M., & Sudheer, K. (2020). Mild thermal processing of cashew apple juice using ohmic heating. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 58(1). Retrieved from




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