About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal aims to advance communication among scientists in disparate fields who share a common interest in tropical agriculture, and to narrow the gap between research workers, farm managers, and extension personnel in the field for mutual benefit. The scope of the journal includes all agroecosystems in the tropics. Papers dealing with results of original research, critical reviews, and short communications on any aspect of tropical agriculture are welcome.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts, including short communications and special-issue articles, will be peer-reviewed by members of the Editorial Board or outside experts. The Editor is responsible for the overall editorial process and coordination.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Tropical Agriculture is published in a single volume every year. Each volume consists of two issues, normally published in June and December. In addition, special issues consisting of a collection of papers dealing with a specific theme (e.g., proceedings of special workshops and symposia, or invited papers on a selected topic) may occasionally be published. Organizers of scientific conferences seminar/symposia may please contact the editor for related information well in advance.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


An international journal that publishes scientific articles concerned with all aspects of crop science, agroecosystem management and conservation, and in particular the application of biological, engineering, ecological, and social knowledge to the management of agricultural crops including plantation and horticultural crops. The journal has been published since 1961—initially as the “Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala,” and renamed in 1993 as it is at present to reflect the changing needs and relevance of the contents.

Author Subscriptions

On acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the authors should pay current subscription of the journal (See Subscriptions). The subscription amount in respect of all authors should be sent by demand draft [payable to THE COMPTROLLER, KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY at the State Bank of Travancore, KAU main campus branch (code 7/670), Vellanikkara, Thrissur] to the journal's editorial office along with the final version of the manuscript.

Declaration by author(s)/sponsoring institutions

Download, print, affix signatures, and mail this DECLARATION BY AUTHOR(S)/SPONSORING INSTITUTION to: The Editor, Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, KAU PO, Thrissur, Kerala 680656; INDIA; Tel. # +91-487-2438325; fax: +91-487-237 1040, soon after online submission, or alongwith the manuscript in case of paper copy submission. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE Title of the article: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (please print or type). 1. Declaration by Author(s) It is hereby agreed that the Author grants and assigns to the Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala (hereinafter called Publisher), the sole right to print, publish, and sell throughout the world the said contribution and parts thereof, including all future revisions and in any medium, such as in its electronic form (offline, online), as well as to translate, print, publish, and sell the contribution in any foreign languages and throughout the world. The Author warrant that the contribution is original except for such excerpts from copyrighted works (including illustrations, tables, and text quotations) as may be included with the permission of the copyright holder and author thereof, in which case(s) the Author is required to obtain the permission and to indicate the precise source. The publisher has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations within the usual limits. The Authors warrants that the contribution has not heretofore been published in whole or in part, that it contains no libelous statements and does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory rights or proprietary rights of others; and that they will indemnify the Publisher against any cost, expenses or damages for which the Publisher may become liable as a result of any breach of this warranty. The Authors warrant that due credit has been given to all those involved in the work by way of authorship/acknowledgements and that the authors are willing to pay the current subscription of the journal before final acceptance of the paper. Authorship status Name and address Signature First author ---------------- ---------------- Second author ---------------- ---------------- Third author ---------------- ---------------- Fourth author ---------------- ---------------- (Please add names, if any) Place --------------------------------------------- Date----------------------------------------- 2. No Objection Certificate from the Sponsoring Institution Certified that the data presented in the above paper are based on the original research work carried out in this institution by the above authors and this institution has no objection in publishing the above paper with the order of authorship indicated in the certificate (above) furnished by the authors. Name and address of the institution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature, name and designation of the Head of Institution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place ----------------------------- Date--------------------------------- Seal of the institution.

Editorial Board

Chairman   : Dr. B. Asok IAS, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, KAU

Vice Chair : Dr. Madhu Subramanian, Director of Research, KAU,                                 Email : madhu.s@kau.in, Phone No: 9447100151 

Editor         : Dr. Mani Chellappan, Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, Email : mani.chellappan@kau.in, Phone No. : 9447463522

Associate Editors :

       1. Dr. Kunhamu T.K., Professor and Head, Department of Silviculture and                             Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, Email : kunhamu.tk@kau.in,                      Phone No. : 9495331771

  1. Dr. Vandana Venugopal, Professor and Head, PPNMU, KAU,Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Email : vandana.v@kau.in, Phone No. : 9847514726
  1. Dr. Berin Pathrose, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural  Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, Email : berin.pathrose@kau.in, Phone No.: 9446967688

Members :

Overseas and other Institutions

  1. Nisha Rakesh, Senior Advisor (Research and Strategy Partnership), HIE,WSU, Sydney, Australia
  2. MeenakshiSundaram K.S., University of Ottawa, Canada
  3. Kadambot Siddique, Director, The UWA Institute of Agriculture, Perth, Australia
  4. Iswara Bhat, Principal Scientist, IISR, Kozhikode, Kerala.
  5. Rasheed Sulaiman. V, Director CRISP, Hydrabad.
  6. Sreekumar J., Principal Scientist, ICAR - CTCRI, Sreekaryam, Kerala

Kerala Agricultural University

  1. Pradeepkumar T., Professor and Head, Department of Vegetable Science, KAU.
  2. Deepu Mathew, Professor, CPBMB, Vellanikkara
  3. Sible George Varghese, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
  4. Sheeba Rebecca Isaac, Associate Director of Research; RARS, Kumarakom.
  5. Rajesh G. K., Assistant Professor, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur.
  6. Namboodiri Raji Vasudevan, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad
  7. Faizal M. H., Professor, Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani.
  8. Minimol J. S., Professor, Cocoa Research Centre, Vellanikkara
  9. Prema A., Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
  10. Sharon C.L., Associate Professor, Department of Community Sciences, College of Agriculture, KAU, Vellanikkara
  11. Dhalin D., Professor, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur.
  12. Jiji Joseph, Professor and Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
  13. Surendra Gopal K., Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara


SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Subscriptions Contact Meera V. Menon, Editor, Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, College of Horticulture Kerala Agricultural University KAU PO, Thrissur 680 656, Kerala, India Phone: +91-487-2438325 Fax: +91-487-2371040 Email: editor.jta@kau.in For subscription, advance payment by demand draft in favour of THE COMPTROLLER, KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY [payable at the State Bank of Travancore, Kerala Agricultural University Campus Branch, Vellanikkara (code 670)] is necessary (SEE SUBSCRIPTION TYPES BELOW). All communications including the subscription payments should be mailed to THE EDITOR, Journal of Tropical Agriculture at the Department of Agronomy,College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, KAU-PO, Thrissur 680 656, Kerala, India. Subscription Types Subscription type Format Duration Cost INDIVIDUALS WITHIN INDIA (CURRENT VOLUME) Print 1 year 1000.00 (INR) INSTITUTIONS WITHIN INDIA (CURRENT VOLUME) Print 1 year 2000.00 (INR) OUTSIDE INDIA (CURRENT VOLUME) Print 1 year 100.00 (USD) WITHIN INDIA (BACK VOLUMES) Print 1 year 1000.00 (INR) + Rs 100 as postage OUTSIDE INDIA (BACK VOLUMES) Print 1 year 100.00 (USD)

For New Author Registration

This journal is currently not accepting automatic user registrations for security reasons. However, new authors (first time in this journal) intending to submit articles for publication may contact the editor for free registration at our site.

Continuing users/authors may use their original registration for all work related to this journal. They may Log In using their username and password, as usual.

Dr. Mani Chellappan, Editor,Journal of Tropical Agriculture, College of Horticulture,Kerala Agricultural University KAU PO,Thrissur 680 656,Kerala, India, Phone: +91-487-2438325 Fax: +91-487-2371040Email: editor.jta@kau.in


The journal has been published since 1961—initially as the “Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala,” and renamed in 1993 as it is at present to reflect the changing needs and relevance of the contents.


Publication of the journal is sustained by grants from the Kerala Agricultural University, which provides human resources, skills, and technology for the sustainable development of the state’s agriculture.

Sources of Support

Online production of the journal is facilitated by a grant from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), a part of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi under the “Technology Information Facilitation Programme (TIF).”
