Determinants of the effectiveness of ‘agriclinics and agribusiness centres scheme’ in Kerala
Entrepreneurship development, Socio-psychological variables, TrainingAbstract
To identify the socio-psychological characteristics of graduate trainees in agriculture contributing to the effectiveness of ‘Agriclinics and Agribusiness Scheme’, a survey of 60 trainees from the agriclinics and agribusiness training programme of Kerala Agricultural University for the period from May 2002 to October 2003 was conducted. Results show that the most important factors influencing establishment of agribusiness units are attitude towards self-employment, entrepreneurial ability, and self-confidence. Gender-related variations were also significant with regard to attitude towards self-employment, decision- making ability, and information seeking behaviour. Agribusiness training programmes should, therefore, focus on changes in attitude towards self-employment, develop entrepreneurial ability, and enhance self-confidence of the trainees, which in turn, will promote successful agribusiness ventures.Downloads
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