Design and development of a mobile application for agricultural technology transfer
Mobile application, FEM@Mobile, Farm Extension ManagerAbstract
A mobile application is a piece of software that can be downloaded and used in a mobile phone handset, personal digital assistant, or tablet computer. The increasing number of smart phones has opened new opportunities in this area. The present study was to design and develop a mobile application in agriculture for technology transfer. The need and user requirements for the application was collected through various extension methods. The Agile software development approach was used for the development of the software. The inverted tree structure was used for content design. The contents cover detailed information on 100 crops cultivated in Kerala. The crops were categorized into broad groups for easy navigation. The interactivity and easiness of use are specially taken care in the development phase. The developed application was named as FEM@Mobile, denoting the mobile version of the Farm Extension Manager website. The content materials were tested in three layers of scientific interactions and workshops. The final application was made available in Google Play Store. By using the application, users can quickly get information on planting activity, variety details, fertilizer recommendation, inter cultivation, pest control and harvest and storage. The application acts as a ready to use guide for the farming community.References
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