Nutritional composition of selected traditional rice varieties of Kerala

Nutritional composition of selected traditional rice varieties of Kerala


  • Chitra Pillai University of Calicut, Thenhipalam 673 635, Kerala, India
  • K.V. Faseela Regional Agricultural Research Station (Central zone), Kerala Agricultural University, Mele Pattambi 679 306, Kerala, India
  • Harikumaran Thampi University of Calicut, Thenhipalam 673 635, Kerala, India


traditional varieties, proximate composition, amylose, minerals, Total dietary fiber, morphology


Biochemical and mineral composition of 13 traditional rice varieties of Kerala was studied in comparison to two popular high yielding varieties under cultivation, viz., Jyothi and Kanchana. Results showed that traditional varieties Thavalakannan and Rakthasali had significantly higher crude protein, crude lipids and insoluble dietary fibre content, making them nutritionally superior among tested varieties. High protein content (> 11 %) was found in traditional varieties Thavalakannan (11.84 %), Rakthasali (11.79 %) and Velutha Navara (11.27%), whereas Chitteni had the highest ash content (1.94%). The amylose content ranged from 20.02 to 30.90%. Kattamodan had the highest carbohydrate (74.47%) and amylose (30.90%) contents. Mineral analysis revealed that traditional varieties Thekkan, Kattamodan, Chettadi and Gandhakasala had the highest potassium (334.2 mg/100g), calcium (26.74 mg/100g), copper (0.62 mg/100g) and manganese (3.48 mg/100g) contents whereas the highest iron content was observed in high yielding variety Kanchana (3.31 mg/100g). Highest zinc content was found in traditional variety Kuttadan (3.63 mg/100g). Traditional varieties proved to be a good source of nutrients and hence can be utilized in future breeding programmes for developing nutritionally rich rice varieties.

Author Biographies

Chitra Pillai, University of Calicut, Thenhipalam 673 635, Kerala, India

Research scholar,Department of Life Sciences,University of Calicut, Kerala.

K.V. Faseela, Regional Agricultural Research Station (Central zone), Kerala Agricultural University, Mele Pattambi 679 306, Kerala, India

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,Regional agricultural research station.Kerala Agricultural University,Mele Pattambi, Kerala. 

Harikumaran Thampi, University of Calicut, Thenhipalam 673 635, Kerala, India

Associate professor,Department of Life SciencesUniversity of Calicut


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How to Cite

Pillai, C., Faseela, K., & Thampi, H. (2020). Nutritional composition of selected traditional rice varieties of Kerala. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 58(1). Retrieved from




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