Karyomorphology of Garcinia indica (Thomas-Dupetite) Choisy
Propionic acid, Orcein, Karyotype, Satellite, Secondary constriction, Genetic polymorphismAbstract
Garcinia indica (Cluasiaceae) is a tree species endemic to Western Ghats of Maharashtra. Fruits are important as they are the rich source of hydroxy citric acid. Being polygamodioecious, plants in different locations show a lot of variation in height of plant, branching pattern, canopy, leaf and fruit morphology. Hence a cytological study was undertaken to see whether the polymorphism also exists at genetic level. Roots from germinating seeds were pre-treated with saturated p-dichlorobenzene. Squash was made by propionic acid orcein method. Chromosome number reported was 2n=54. The karyotype of G. indica consists of 7 pairs of metacentric chromosomes, 17 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes, 1 pair of submetacentric chromosomes with satellites, 1 pair of submetacentric chromosomes with secondary constriction and one asymmetric pair of chromosomes..Downloads
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