Phenological studies of flowering and fruiting of peanut butter fruit (Bunchosia armeniaca (Cav.) DC.)

Phenological studies of flowering and fruiting of peanut butter fruit (Bunchosia armeniaca (Cav.) DC.)


  • Nithya Kerala Agricultural University
  • Meera Manjusha A.V. Assistant Professor, RARS Pilicode.


The study was carried out at Regional Agriculture Research Station, Pilicode and College of AgriculturePadannakkad from January 2022 to December 2022. The objectives were to study phenological stagesregarding flowering, fruit setting and fruit development in peanut butter fruit. The flower bud initiation wasstarted by the end of March. From flower bud initiation to anthesis it took about 28 days. The period offlowering and fruiting was observed from April to September, flowering peaks in three months viz., April,May and June. Whereas fruiting peaks in the months of May, June and July. Yellow-coloured flowers areborne on racemose inflorescence. From fruit set to fruit ripening, it took about 50 days. Fruits are found inclusters. Green-coloured fruits produced during the fruit set gradually change their colour to greenish yellowthen orange and red at maturity.

Author Biography

Nithya , Kerala Agricultural University

PG Student, Department of Fruit Science, College of Agriculture Padannakkad




How to Cite

Nithya, & Manjusha A.V., M. (2024). Phenological studies of flowering and fruiting of peanut butter fruit (Bunchosia armeniaca (Cav.) DC.). Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 62(1), 131–135. Retrieved from