Enhancing sapota grafting success: The power of cytokinin application
Sapota, Cytokinin, Concentration, CallusAbstract
This experiment aimed to investigate the impact of cytokinin on enhancing the success rate of softwood grafting in the sapota “Cricket Ball” variety conducted at the College of Agriculture, Padannakkad. Various concentrations of cytokinin were applied on different days, with each treatment replicated twice. The experimental factors included cytokinin concentrations (P1 : 100 ppm, P2: 150 ppm, P3 : 200 ppm) and the timing of application: D1 (on the day of grafting, with cytokinin dipping treatment on the scion), D2 (5 days prior to grafting, with cytokinin sprayed on the scion), and D3 (10 days prior to grafting, with cytokinin sprayed on the scion). The results indicated that the treatment of 200 ppm cytokinin applied on the day of grafting (P3 D1 ) was the most effective compared to other treatments.References
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