Impact of paclobutrazol in flowering, fruiting and quality parameters of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)

Impact of paclobutrazol in flowering, fruiting and quality parameters of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)


  • Aswini A. Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Fruit ScienceCollege of Agriculture Kerala Agricultural UniversityThrissur - 680656
  • Bhagya D. Kartha
  • Anu G.Krishnan
  • Parvathi M. S.
  • Jyothi Bhaskar


Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) known as the queen of fruit, is gaining importance in States, particularly in Kerala. Long juvenile period and irregular bearing are the major problems of mangosteen. Hence a field experiment was undertaken at the College orchard of the Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara during 2021-22 to study the effect of paclobutrazol (PBZ) on induction of flowering and fruiting in mangosteen. The study was conducted in 15 year old mangosteen trees. The design of theexperiment was completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. Four doses of paclobutrazol (viz.,           T1 : 2.3 g; T2: 4.6g, T3 : 6.9 g, and T4 : 9.2 g a.i) dissolved in 10 litres of water per tree and control (T5 : water alone) were applied by soil drenching in the tree basins. Observations on various growth, flowering, yield and fruit quality parameters were assessed. It was observed that PBZ application @ 9.2 g ai/tree ie., 40 ml Cultar/tree (T4 ) gave the earliest flowering and maximum yield. Other treatments were also effective in induction of early flowering. From the results it was concluded that application of paclobutrazol @ 4.6 g ai/tree (20ml Cultar 23% ai) can be recommended in mangosteen considering the early flowering, yield, and quality attributes of fruit.




How to Cite

A., A., Bhagya D. Kartha, Anu G.Krishnan, Parvathi M. S., & Jyothi Bhaskar. (2025). Impact of paclobutrazol in flowering, fruiting and quality parameters of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 62(2), 285–290. Retrieved from