Impact of biostimulants on papaya (Carica papaya L.) yield enhancement
Papaya (Carica papaya L.), an important fruit crop in tropical and subtropical regions, is esteemed for its distinctive sweet and musky flavor, along with its richness in essential vitamins (A, C and E) and the digestive enzyme papain. However, in Kerala, India, papaya cultivation faces significant challenges due to the high incidence of pests and diseases, along with limited availability of high-yielding varieties. To address these limitations, this study explores the potential of biostimulants to enhance growth and yield in papaya, focusing on the variety “CO 7”. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design with thirteentreatments and three replications, employing a spacing of 2 m x 2 m. Organic manure and fertilizers were applied bimonthly following Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) recommendations. Treatments included Chitosan, Seaweed extract, Fish jaggery extract, Hume plus, PGPR mix -I and PGPR mix-II. Sampoorna KAU Multimix (10g/l) were applied monthly along with the treatments. T2 (Chitosan + Sampoorna KAU Multimix) revealed notable effects on the period from fruit set to maturity (131.61 days) and days from maturity to ripening (6.72 days). Significant variations were observed in fruit parameters and T2 consistentlyrecorded highest values for fruit weight, length, girth, volume, flesh thickness, fruit number and seeds per fruit.Downloads
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