Packaging and storage techniques to enhance the shelf life of sweet lovi-lovi (<i>Flacourtia</i> spp.) fruits

Packaging and storage techniques to enhance the shelf life of sweet lovi-lovi (<i>Flacourtia</i> spp.) fruits


  • Karishma Sebastian
  • P. Meagle Joseph
  • K.B. Sheela


Flacourtia, Packaging, Shelf life


Sweet lovi-lovi (Flacourtia spp.), which is a less utilized plant species in Kerala belonging to Flacourtiaceae family, bears sweet, red fruits but with a very short shelf life of few hours. In this study an attempt is made to enhance the storability of sweet lovi-lovi fruits by packaging in different containers and storage at ambient, refrigerated and cold storage conditions. Sweet lovi-lovi accessions maintained at College of Horticulture, KAU were utilized for the study. The packaging of fruits in low density polythene covers of 200 gauge without ventilation, and shrink wrapped areca plates placed in cold storage condition at 12 ± 2°C temperature was found to increase the shelf life by three days.


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How to Cite

Sebastian, K., Joseph, P. M., & Sheela, K. (2017). Packaging and storage techniques to enhance the shelf life of sweet lovi-lovi (<i>Flacourtia</i> spp.) fruits. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 55(1), 99–103. Retrieved from



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