Exploring the potential applications in post-harvest handling and processing of new groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties based on their physicochemical properties
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a widely consumed nut & oilseed in India. A total of 8 groundnut varieties (J-87, Girnar-4, Girnar-5, GJG-31, GJG-32, GJG-22, GJG-HPS-1, KL-9) were studied for physicochemical and nutritional properties. The highest axial dimensions were observed in the J-87 variety with respect to the length (15.48 mm), width (11.01 mm) & thickness (8.6 mm), followed by a higher 1000 kernel weight (957.8g), indicating the boldness of the variety. Higher sphericity and aspect ratios wereobserved in GJG-31, attributed to the spherical shape of the kernels. The highest bulk density value (676.33kg/m3 ), and true density (1057.57kg/m3 ) were observed in GJG-31. The angle of repose values was in the range from 13.65 to 21.59º. The average moisture content of all varieties varied in the range of 5.07 to 5.85 %. The protein content ranged from 18.09 to 31.59 %, while the fat content ranged from 45.97 to 53.63 % among the varieties. The highest amount of energy 626.19 kcal was found in the Girnar-4 variety with 53.63 % fat. Among the identified essential amino acids, Leucine was found to be the most predominant essential amino acid. The J-87 variety has a higher amino acid content with a protein content of 31.59%. In conclusion, varieties J-87, GJG-31, Girnar-4, and Girnar-5 showed good potential for the development of value-added products corresponding to their physicochemical and nutritional properties.Downloads
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