Antifungal activities of organic preparations, botanicals and nonhazardous chemicals against <i>Rhizoctonia solani</i> Kuhn causing sheath blight of rice

Antifungal activities of organic preparations, botanicals and nonhazardous chemicals against <i>Rhizoctonia solani</i> Kuhn causing sheath blight of rice


  • S.R. Karthika Kerala Agricultural University
  • A. Sajeena
  • V.K. Girija
  • Jacob John
  • G. Heera


Fermented egg-lemon juice extract, Fermented weed (Setaria barbata) extract, Potassium silicate, Rice sheath blight


The study was undertaken to evaluate the antifungal potential of selected organic preparations, botanicals and non-hazardous chemicals under in vitro against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn causing sheath blight in rice. A total of twenty treatments were tested for their efficacy in inhibiting the mycelial growth of R. solani. Among the treatments, six treatments viz., garlic extract (10%), fermented weed (Setaria barbata) extract (100%), fermented egg-lemon juice extract (10%), potassium silicate (1%), lime solution (12.5%) and panchagavya (5%) showed cent percent inhibition of R. solani in potato dextrose agar medium. Further, dipping the sclerotia for different time intervals in the most effective six treatments, fermented egg-lemon juice extract (10%), fermented weed extract (100%), lime solution (12.5%) and panchagavya (5%) completely inhibited the mycelial regeneration from sclerotia at 24 h after dipping and garlic extract (10%) could inhibit only 72 hours after dipping and potassium silicate (1%) resulted only in less inhibition (27.28%) even after 72 hours of dip. Thus, the study revealed the possibility of eco-friendly management of rice sheath blight disease using organic preparations or botanicals or non-hazardous chemicals.

Author Biography

S.R. Karthika, Kerala Agricultural University

Department of Plant Pathology, COA, Vellayani


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How to Cite

Karthika, S., Sajeena, A., Girija, V., John, J., & Heera, G. (2017). Antifungal activities of organic preparations, botanicals and nonhazardous chemicals against <i>Rhizoctonia solani</i> Kuhn causing sheath blight of rice. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 55(1), 104–113. Retrieved from



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