Morphological and biochemical characterization of Long pepper (Piper longum L.) genotypes from Western Ghats regions of Kerala, India
Piper longum, Viswam, DendrogramAbstract
Forty one long pepper genotypes along with ‘Viswam’ were evaluated for qualitative, quantitative and biochemical characteristics including growth, flowering and yield. Observations were recorded during maximum vegetative phase of the crop. Highest inflorescence (more than 55 per cent) was produced during June, July and August and lowest (less than 5 per cent) during December and January, recorded from April 2013 – March 2014. Among the forty two accessions, thirty eight were found to be female, three male and one non-flowering type. Wide variability was observed among accessions for qualitative and quantitative characteristics. In the dendrogram derived based on quantitative data, the accessions showed only 14 per cent similarity.References
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