Management effect on soil organic carbon pools in lowland rain-fed paddy growing soil

Management effect on soil organic carbon pools in lowland rain-fed paddy growing soil


  • Arun Jyoti Nath Assam University, Silchar
  • Tapas Bhattacharyya
  • Jyotirupa Deka
  • Ashesh Kumar Das
  • S.K. Ray


Active pool, Passive pool, Total organic carbon, Yield


Low and stagnant productivity of rainfed paddy farming is one of growing challenges in developing countries in the absence of management systems that enhance rice productivity and maintain soil health. To identify the effect of nutrient management practices on different pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) under rainfed paddy farming, dataset on on-farm fertilizer experiment plot from 2010 -2013 from Cachar district of Assam, India were utilized. Different pools of SOC viz. C Very Labile (VL), CLabile (L) , C Less Labile (LL), C Non Labile (NL) were studied because of their sensitivity to the influence of agricultural management on soil quality. In surface soil CVL and CL dominated in organic and organic + inorganic plot, while CNL was higher in control plots. The organic+inorganic treatment experienced 44% increase in CAP (CVL+CL) over control in surface layer indicating the efficiency of CAP in detecting hanges for management systems. The study further revealed that the integrated use of organic with inorganic fertilizer enhanced the productivity and SOC over control treatment. The present study indicated that CVL, CL or CAP can be important determinants of rice yield rather than total organic carbon.align="justify">




How to Cite

Jyoti Nath, A., Bhattacharyya, T., Deka, J., Kumar Das, A., & Ray, S. (2016). Management effect on soil organic carbon pools in lowland rain-fed paddy growing soil. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 53(2), 131–138. Retrieved from



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