Climate resilient agricultural practices: An Indian scenario

Climate resilient agricultural practices: An Indian scenario


  • Lina Gogoi Tezpur University
  • Banashree Sarma
  • Premia Taifa
  • Ashalata Devi
  • Amit Prakash
  • Sumi Handique
  • Nirmali Gogoi Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science Tezpur University, Assam, India


Changes in atmospheric temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) level, soil and air moisture content affect cropgrowth and agricultural productivity in both direct or indirect ways. Climate change influences the farmingcommunity of entire world. Developing countries like India, however, are more vulnerable to climate changeas farmers do not have sufficient resources to cope. A planned approach to farming adaptation is needed toaddress these issues. Climate-resilient agricultural practice aims to manage the interconnected aspects ofboth sustainable agriculture and food safety. Conventional farming methods often rely on chemical inputsand are less adaptive to changing climate conditions, whereas modern methodologies, like precisionagriculture and regenerative practices, focus on sustainability, resilience, and reducing environmental impactsof climate change. In this review, different climate resilient practices are discussed with emphasis on bothconventional and modern methodologies along with the constraints of using these practices on field.

Author Biography

Nirmali Gogoi, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science Tezpur University, Assam, India

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental ScienceTezpur University, Assam,India




How to Cite

Gogoi, L., Sarma, B., Taifa, P., Devi, A., Prakash, A., Handique, S., & Gogoi, N. (2025). Climate resilient agricultural practices: An Indian scenario. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 62(2), 172–192. Retrieved from