Creation of variability by in vitro mutagenesis in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz )

Creation of variability by in vitro mutagenesis in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz )


  • Hilario Ernesto Magaia DPBGN, COH, KAU, Vellanikkara
  • Jiji Joseph
  • C.R. Elsy
  • Rose Mary Francis
  • Dijee Bastian
  • R. Sujatha
  • C. Beena


Cassava, Sree Jaya, In vitro mutagenesis, LD 50, Variation in qualitative traits


In vitro mutagenesis in cassava was carried out in the variety Sree Jaya in Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University during 2012-2015. Sree Jaya is a high yielding variety of cassava developed by selection at CTCRI Trivandrum. It has six month duration and tuber yield of 26-30 Mg ha-1 with 24 -27 per cent starch. Somatic embryos and somatic embryo derived plantlets were exposed to EMS and Gamma ray. EMS was tried at concentrations of 0.3 to 1.2 per cent at an interval of 0.3 per cent. The cultures were irradiated with gamma rays at doses ranging from 10Gy to 80Gy with a dose interval of 10Gy. Immediately after the treatment the cultures were sub cultured in to fresh medium for regeneration. Based on the survival rate of the cultures the LD 50 values were fixed. For somatic embryos the LD 50 value was 30Gy for gamma radiation and 1.20 per cent for EMS. For somatic embryo derived plantlets LD 50 value was fixed at 50Gy for irradiation and 0.90 per cent for EMS. Significant difference in the growth characteristics of the mutagen treated In vitro cultures were observed with respect to quantitative traits like plant height, number of shoots and leaves at tissue culture and hardening stages. The qualitative traits like colour of the petiole, stipule, emerging leaf and stem varied among the mutated plants.align="justify">




How to Cite

Magaia, H. E., Joseph, J., Elsy, C., Francis, R. M., Bastian, D., Sujatha, R., & Beena, C. (2016). Creation of variability by in vitro mutagenesis in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz ). Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 53(2), 123–130. Retrieved from



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