Vulnerability of the microfinance sector with special reference to Covid-19 - a literature review

Vulnerability of the microfinance sector with special reference to Covid-19 - a literature review


  • DIVYA SAJAN Research Scholar Karunya Institute of Technology And Sciences (Deemed to be University) Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 641114
  • Clarence Samuel Joseph Professor Karunya Institute of Technology And Sciences


Risk, vulnerability, poverty, economic fragility, delinquency crisis


Microfinance is one of the sectors which has received support from all world bodies in its fight to addressthe problems of the poor. This review aims at understanding how this vulnerable group, predominantlyagriculturists, have been affected by microloans/microcredit during and before the Covid-19 crisis. Basedon the available literature the review explains the concept of vulnerability and the vulnerability of microfinance institutions during the covid-19 crisis. It probes at length the causes of vulnerability and attempts to develop a construct model from the first level to the various types and classes of vulnerability. The types of indicators of vulnerability have been grouped under two major heads namely, quantitative and qualitative factors. Besides, it tries to establish the relationship between vulnerability and poverty and, vulnerability and economic fragility in the microfinance sector during the pandemic crisis. The review proposes a model founded on the three pillars -adaption, mitigation and resilience that would be leading to the sustainability of microfinance institutions. Finally, the review attempts to broadly summarise the threats, risks, vulnerability and mitigation measures to overcome them by developing a connect in the form of a model aimed at the revival of microfinance in the post Covid-19 scenario.. 

Author Biography

DIVYA SAJAN, Research Scholar Karunya Institute of Technology And Sciences (Deemed to be University) Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 641114

Research scholar Department of Commerce And International TradeKarunya Institute Of  Technology And Sciences(Deemed to be university



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How to Cite

SAJAN, D., & Joseph, C. S. (2024). Vulnerability of the microfinance sector with special reference to Covid-19 - a literature review. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 61(2), 275–295. Retrieved from




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