Breeding and identification of promising Mauritius x Kew pineapple hybrids with high heterosis for fruit and plant traits

Breeding and identification of promising Mauritius x Kew pineapple hybrids with high heterosis for fruit and plant traits


  • Lalit Dhurve Department of Fruit Science, College of Agriculture, KAU, Thrissur
  • Ajith Kumar K. Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Ambalavayal, Wayanad -673 593
  • Jyothi Bhaskar Department of fruit Science, College of Agriculture, KAU, Thrissur
  • Sobhana A. Fruit Crops Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur - 680656, India
  • Rose Mary Francies Agricultural Research Station, KAU, Mannuthy, Thrissur - 680651, India
  • Deepu Mathew Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur - 680656, India


Ananas comosus, Crop improvement, Heterobeltiosis, Selection index, Standard heterosis, Variety evaluation


Leading cultivars of pineapple Mauritius and Kew were hybridized and 25 hybrids were evaluated under open field conditions using randomized block design with two replications. Performance of the female parent cum check variety Mauritius, male parent Kew and check variety in Kerala state, India, Amritha, were also evaluated and compared. Based on the performance, heterobeltiosis, average heterosis and standard heterosis over two check varieties, in each hybrid, for 10 plant growth traits and 24 fruit traits, were calculated. For fruit weight, hybrid H35 had the highest heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis over Amritha whereas H62 had highest standard heterosis over Mauritius and average heterosis. For pulp weight, hybrid H17 had the highest values for all heterosis parameters. For TSS, hybrid H62 had the highest heterobeltiosis and other parameters were highest in H43. For days to attain physiological maturity, crown weight, peel weight and acidity, H27, H30, H77 and H43 respectively were lowest in all heterosis parameters. Based on the selection criterion [Σ average heterosis (fruit weight, TSS, pulp weight) – Σ average heterosis (crown weight, peel weight, eye profile, eye relative surface, time taken for physiological maturity, acidity)]developed using the average heterosis values for desirable and undesirable fruit traits, six hybrids H66, H17, H59, H43, H70 and H35 were identified for further evaluation. The identified hybrids also satisfied the requirements infruit weight (≥1.0 kg), pulp weight (≥750.58 g), TSS (≥14.49 ο Brix), days to attain physiological maturity (≤185.70 days), crown weight (≤305.50 g), peel weight (≤159.27 g) and acidity (≤1.05).

Author Biography

Deepu Mathew, Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur - 680656, India

Associate ProfessorCPBMB, KAU Post, Thrissur - 680 656


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How to Cite

Dhurve, L., K., A. K., Bhaskar, J., A., S., Francies, R. M., & Mathew, D. (2023). Breeding and identification of promising Mauritius x Kew pineapple hybrids with high heterosis for fruit and plant traits. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 61(1), 36–49. Retrieved from




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