Life Table Based ETs and Time Series for Sustainable Management of Spilosoma obliqua Walkar on Jute

Life Table Based ETs and Time Series for Sustainable Management of Spilosoma obliqua Walkar on Jute



Population ecology, Spilosoma obliqua, Chorchorus olitorious, C. capsularis, phytoconstituents, ETs, CSs, CSPM


Stage-specific two-sex pooled life table, nutritional ecology and economic thresholds (ETs) based time series of a major pest of jute, S. obliqua Walkar (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), was investigated on two jute species (Chorchorus olitorious and C. capsularis) during 2017-2019. The population and feeding indices of S. obliqua were significantly (F1,4 8.592,P<0.05) affected by the host phytoconstituents in terms of host suitability or susceptibility (C. olitorious<C. capsularis). The average ET was 3.787±1.539 pests plant-1on C. capsularis which was significantly lower (F1,4=9.530, P<0.05) than C. olitorious (4.323±0.897 pests plant-1) due to higher host preference by S. obliqua. For a single pest per plant, the possible time (Tt) to reach ET was 14.781±5.973 days on C. capsularis which was lower than that in C. olitorious (16.456±2.522 days). Host preference and population dynamics-based ET calculation of S. obliqua could thus support time-based management strategy and trap cropping for sustainable pest management.

Author Biography

Nayan Roy, Assistant professor Department of Zoology Ecology Research Unit MUC Women's College Purba Burdwan-713104 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0114-0596

I, Dr Nayan Roy, have achieved my B.Sc. in Zoology from Hooghly Mohasin College under University of Burdwan in 2006 and M.Sc. in Zoology with specialization in Ecology & Environment from Department of Zoology, University of Burdwan in 2008. In the mean time, I have qualified the CSIR-NET (JRF) and SET in Life Sciences in 2008. I have completed my Ph. D. from the Department of Zoology, university of Burdwan, under the supervision of Dr. Anandamay Barik (Assistant Professor). During my course of research, I have published research papers in different peer-reviewed international and national journals from 2010 to till date. I have appointed as an Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, M.U.C. Women’s College, Burdwan, W. B., India from 01.04.2010 and look forward to fruitful years of teaching and research in different fields of chemical ecology of plant-insect interactions. I have wide research interest and most of my studies have largely focused on insect-plant interaction. I would like to expand my horizon related to chemical ecology of plant-insect interactions for pest management. I have a great interest on top-down and bottom-up regulation of some crop plant by their pests. I am also interested in demographic study and nutritional ecology of the insect pest that may help their ecological management in future. Ultimately it may help me in finding a new approach of agro ecosystem analysis (AESA) based ecological pest management (EPM) for climate smart agriculture (CSA) to human welfare. The new concept of using ecosystem services and green pest management (GPM) leads to the development of ecosystem service based ecological engineering for ecological pest management (ESS-EE-EPM) which will be environmentally safe agricultural technique ever used. It will lead triple- E (Environmental, Ecological and Economical) sustainability for any kind of pest management in near future. Population dynamics based study of pest and defenders will provide the better understanding for application of their better sustainable management. The potential for studying these topics in India is enormous toward applied issues for pest control as well as for fundamental ecology.



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How to Cite

Roy, N. (2023). Life Table Based ETs and Time Series for Sustainable Management of Spilosoma obliqua Walkar on Jute. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 60(2). Retrieved from




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