Productivity of irrigated maize as influenced by amendments and weed management strategies in the semi-arid Savanna region of Nigeria

Productivity of irrigated maize as influenced by amendments and weed management strategies in the semi-arid Savanna region of Nigeria


  • A. Lado Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
  • M. U. Dawaki Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
  • M. A. Yusuf Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
  • F. G. Umar Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


Soil amendment, weed, maize, irrigation, yield


Maize production is affected by nutrition, biotic and climatic variables. To evaluate the effect of these, a field experiment was conducted in the dry seasons of 2015 and 2016 at the Teaching and Research Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. The treatments included three irrigation intervals, three weeding methods and seven levels of soil amendments. The experiments were laid out in split-split plot design replicated three times. The results revealed that soil amendments had positive effect on soil properties. Irrigation interval significantly influenced both weed growth and maize performance. Irrigating maize at 3 days intervals with combined application of biochar at @ 3.75 t per ha, compost @ 1.25 t per ha and NPK @ 60:30:30 kg per ha resulted in higher grain yields (2780 and 3990 kg per ha) in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Herbicide applications with biochar @ 3.75 t per ha, compost @ 1.25 kg per ha and NPK @ 60:30:30 kg per ha recorded higher grain yields (2688 kg per ha in 2015 and 3100 kg per hain2016). Combined application of biochar at @ 3.75 t per ha, compost @ 1.25 t per ha and NPK @ 60:30:30 kg per ha with irrigation at three days interval improved soil properties and recorded the highest grain yield and can be recommended in the study area.

Author Biography

A. Lado, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria

Senior Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Bayero University, Kano


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How to Cite

Lado, A., Dawaki, M. U., Yusuf, M. A., & Umar, F. G. (2021). Productivity of irrigated maize as influenced by amendments and weed management strategies in the semi-arid Savanna region of Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 59(1). Retrieved from




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