Standardisation of grafting in bitter gourd (<i>Momordica charantia</i> L.)

Standardisation of grafting in bitter gourd (<i>Momordica charantia</i> L.)


  • A.N. Akhila Kerala Agricultural University
  • Sarah T. George Kerala Agricultural University


Grafting, Rootstock, Scion, Tongue approach grafting, Wedge grafting


A study on grafting bitter gourd on various cucurbitaceous rootstocks was carried out to identify the best rootstocks for grafting bitter gourd and to compare two grafting methods namely, wedge grafting (WG) and tongue approach grafting (TAG). In the study bitter gourd scion (var. Preethi) was grafted on six rootstocks, viz., ash gourd, bottle gourd, smooth gourd, pumpkin, oriental pickling melon and self rootstocks by wedge grafting and tongue approach grafting. There was significant difference in graft success among the rootstocks in WG. In WG, best rootstock in terms of graft success was smooth gourd (80%) followed by pumpkin, bottle gourd, ash gourd, OP melon and self rootstock. There was no significant difference among the rootstocks on graft success in TAG. WG (67%) was superior to TAG (15.17%) in terms of final graft success. Graft success had significant positive correlation with relative humidity and significant negative correlation with maximum and minimum temperature. Anatomical studies of the graft union revealed cell proliferation which is the stage prior to callus formation.

Author Biographies

A.N. Akhila, Kerala Agricultural University

M. Sc. HorticultureDepartment of Olericulture, College of Horticulture

Sarah T. George, Kerala Agricultural University

ProfesssorDepartment of Olericulture, College of Horticulture


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How to Cite

Akhila, A., & George, S. T. (2018). Standardisation of grafting in bitter gourd (<i>Momordica charantia</i> L.). Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 55(2), 167–174. Retrieved from



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