Flowering biology in <i>Solanum</i> species

Flowering biology in <i>Solanum</i> species


  • Neeraja Puthiamadom kerala Agricultural University
  • K.T. Presanna Kumari


Clustering, Flowering initiation, Heterostyly


The floral diversity prevailing among selected species of Solanum was traced in the present study. Comparison of the S. melongena varieties Haritha and Surya with the wild variants of Solanum viz., S. viarum, S. incanum, and S. gilo was done based on various floral characters. Among the genotypes evaluated S. gilo took more number of days from transplanting till the visual observation stage of flower bud. Flowers of Solanum species are positively geotropic, zygomorphic, bisexual, hypogynous and complete. Presence of prickles on calyx was observed to be a unique feature of S. viarum. A change in the colour of corolla on the day prior to flower opening was observed in S. viarum, S. incanum and Surya. The selected genotypes were grouped into various clusters based on different qualitative and quantitative floral characters. The cultivated variety Haritha was closely related with S. gilo with respect to qualitative characters. However, Surya resembled S. incanum in terms of both qualitative and biometric characters.

Author Biography

Neeraja Puthiamadom, kerala Agricultural University

Plant Breeding and Genetics


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How to Cite

Puthiamadom, N., & Presanna Kumari, K. (2018). Flowering biology in <i>Solanum</i> species. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 55(2), 184–188. Retrieved from https://jtropag.kau.in/index.php/ojs2/article/view/441



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