Soil amelioration for rice productivity enhancement in lateritic soil

Soil amelioration for rice productivity enhancement in lateritic soil


  • M. A. Anila
  • S. Visveswaran
  • Mercy George
  • P.S. John


Soil amelioration, Laterite soil, Liming materials, Secondary nutrients, Fertilizers


The correction of soil pH, reduction of toxic accumulation of native elements and supplementation of secondary nutrients may enhance the growth and productivity of rice grown in lateritic lowlands. A field study was conducted during January to May, 2013 at the rice field of College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara to evaluate the effect of soil ameliorants on growth and yield of rice. The soil was having an initial pH of 5.3. The treatments included different soil amendments viz., CaO, dolomite, and ‘Mangala setright’, a new commercial product. The ameliorants were applied with or without fertilizer. The package of practices (POP) for rice nutrition and non- application of soil ameliorant/ organic manure/ fertilizers were the controls. Soil amelioration significantly increased the growth parameters such as height and tiller count in the presence or absence of fertilizers. The leaf chlorophyll content was improved due to the combined effect of soil amelioration, organic manure addition and fertilizer application. Amelioration improved all the yield attributes and consequently the yield. Among different ameliorants ‘Mangala setright’ performed better than CaO and the lowest effect was observed for dolomite. The superiority of ‘Mangala setright’ even in the absence of organic manure addition is attributed to its Mg and S contents.align="justify">




How to Cite

Anila, M. A., Visveswaran, S., George, M., & John, P. (2016). Soil amelioration for rice productivity enhancement in lateritic soil. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 53(2), 213–216. Retrieved from



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