Participatory assessment of the impact of Women in Agriculture Programme of Borno State, Nigeria
Socioeconomic characters, Agricultural resources, Extension services, Gender relationsAbstract
This study assessed the impact of the Women in Agriculture (WIA) programme of Borno State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire administered to 90 WIA participants selected through a multistage sampling process. Results indicate that 52% of the respondents were within the age range of 31 to 40 years and about 90% were married. Some 52% of the women farmers had at least primary education and 34% had farming experience ranging from l6 to 20 years. Average family size of the respondents ranged between 5 and 10. Although the WIA programme has led to an increase in agricultural production and income level of the participants, correlation analyses showed anegative relationship between marital status and agricultural production level (r = –0.26; p=0.0l). This study recommends sustained governmental assistance to women farmers in the form of appropriate policies and strategies to ensure their access to extension services, land resources, credit, and subsidized inputs. Also, the WIA programme should include more income generating activities and training for improved production.Downloads
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