Comparative mutagenic analysis in M1 generation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
Mutation breeding is a robust technique used to enhance the genetic diversity of crops. It plays a crucial role in creating desirable varieties by boosting the crop productivity and improving the crop resilience against diseases. Under this backdrop, three chemical mutagens, namely EMS, HZ, and SA were employed in the present study to examine the biological damage and genetic diversity for quantitative traits incurred by the mutagens in M1 generation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) varieties PDM-11 and NM-1. The biological damage induced in M1 generation was assessed by examining the immediate effects ofmutagens on seed germination and pollen fertility. Both varieties experienced a dose-proportional decrease in seed germination and pollen fertility as the concentration of the mutagens increased. Variety NM-1 exhibited a higher susceptibility as compared to var. PDM-11in inducing biological damage (inhibition in seed germination and pollen fertility).Various quantitative traits were also scrutinized to measure the impact of induced variability in M1 generation. The treated population saw mostly unchanged means for all the quantitative traits; however, the variability coefficients were different for each trait, and the fertile branches per plant had the highest variability over the controls. Treatments that result in significant variation in quantitative traits holds potential for improving the mungbean crop.Downloads
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