Nutrient management in short duration pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] in the southern laterites of Kerala

Nutrient management in short duration pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] in the southern laterites of Kerala


  • Anjana Devaraj G Kerala Agricultural University
  • Sheeba Rebecca Isaac Kerala Agricultural University
  • Rajasree G Kerala Agricultural University


growth, nutrient management, pigeon pea, protein, solubilisers, seed yield


The field experiment to standardise the nutrient management practice in pigeon pea (APK1) was conductedin randomised block design with eight treatments comprising of different nutrient sources and methods ofapplication, at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram. Significant variations were recordedin growth parameters, yield attributes, yield, nitrogen uptake and protein content of seeds. The treatmentinvolving application of 100 % N + 50 % P + 50 % K + P solubiliser + K solubiliser in soil resulted in thesignificantly tallest plants (109.70 cm) and maximum number of branches per plant (6.5) at harvest, averagepod weight (0.62 g) and seed yield (1.48 t ha-1). Seed protein content was also maximum in the treatment,indicating that the integrated package of 100 per cent recommended dose of nitrogen and substitution of 50per cent each of phosphorus and potassium with P solubiliser (Bacillus megaterium) and K solubiliser(Bacillus sporothermodurans) can be recommended for pigeon pea cultivation in the southern laterites ofKerala.

Author Biographies

Anjana Devaraj G, Kerala Agricultural University

 Department of AgronomyCoA Vellayani

Sheeba Rebecca Isaac, Kerala Agricultural University

Professor (Agronomy) & ADRRARS Kumarakom, Kottayam

Rajasree G, Kerala Agricultural University

Professor (Agronomy)Department of AgronomyCoA Vellayani


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How to Cite

G, A. D., Isaac, S. R., & G, R. (2024). Nutrient management in short duration pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] in the southern laterites of Kerala. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 62(1), 127–130. Retrieved from

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