Wetting pattern under pulse and continuous irrigation

Wetting pattern under pulse and continuous irrigation


  • P. H. Rank Dr. P. H. Rank (Soil and Water Engineering) Senior Research Assistant, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Department, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh-362001. Gujarat State, INDIA. Cell No.: +91 84 010 60807; +91 84 699 44745 Email: prasang.rank@icloud.com ; prasangrank@jau.in http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5441-2981
  • Vishnu B. Associate Proffesor, RARS, Kumarakom, Kerala.


pulse irrigation, wetting pattern, radial and vertical distances, soil moisture distribution


With over 80% of water consumption attributed to irrigation, its conservation stands as a paramount priority.The adoption of cost-effective, efficient irrigation technologies holds the key to reducing water demandswhile boosting agricultural productivity. Addressing percolation losses beneath the root zone during irrigationis crucialand precision irrigation that aligns with root zone dimensions can mitigate this loss while fosteringoptimal plant growth conditions. The intricacies of wetting patterns under trickle irrigation are influencedby factors like soil texture, structure, moisture content, emitter spacing, discharge rateand irrigation frequency.This article extensively examines moisture distribution around the root zone, particularly in terms of radialand vertical wetting front distances. Superior wetting front accuracy, lower percolation loss and enhanceduniformity were observed in pulse irrigation compared to continuous drip irrigation. The results show thatpulsed drip irrigation with different dripper flow rates can make water spread more sideways and reducedeep percolation compared to steady drip irrigation, especially when using higher flow rates.This researchunderscores the importance of tailored irrigation methods in optimizing moisture distribution, minimizingwater wastage and promoting sustainable water management practices in agriculture.

Author Biography

P. H. Rank, Dr. P. H. Rank (Soil and Water Engineering) Senior Research Assistant, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Department, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh-362001. Gujarat State, INDIA. Cell No.: +91 84 010 60807; +91 84 699 44745 Email: prasang.rank@icloud.com ; prasangrank@jau.in

M.Tech from Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Tavanur.


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How to Cite

Rank, P. H., & B., V. (2024). Wetting pattern under pulse and continuous irrigation. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 62(1), 28–40. Retrieved from https://jtropag.kau.in/index.php/ojs2/article/view/1273

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