Potassium-magnesium interaction in coleus [Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir) J.K. Morton] productivity

Potassium-magnesium interaction in coleus [Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir) J.K. Morton] productivity


  • Aswani S Kerala Agricultural University
  • Prameela P Kerala Agricultural University
  • Syama S Menon Kerala Agricultural University
  • Bindhu P.S. Kerala Agricultural University


Potassium, Magnesium, Coleus nutrition, Tuber yield


An experiment entitled ‘Potassium-magnesium interaction in coleus (Solenostemon rotundifolius)productivity’ was conducted during the period of July to November 2020 at Agronomy Farm, College ofAgriculture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, with an objective to assess the effect of potassium and magnesiumsulphate application on tuber yield of coleus. The treatments consisted of twelve combinations of potassiumchloride and magnesium sulphate doses laid out in RBD. Potassium (K2 O) was applied at rate of 60 kg/ha(soil test based), 100kg/ha (PoP recommendation) and a check (no potassium). Magnesium sulphate wasapplied at four doses 0 kg/ha, 10 kg/ha, 20 kg/h and 40 kg/ha. Growth parameters such as plant height,drymatter production of shoot, dry matter production of tubers as well as total dry matter production weresignificantly influenced by potassium nutrition. However, root to shoot ratio as well as LAI at peak vegetativestage did not vary significantly with potassium application. Dry matter production of both shoot and tuberincreased with increasing levels of potassium. Tuber yield was the highest when potassium was applied @100 kg/ha followed by potassium application @ 60 kg/ha which differed statistically. Effect of magnesiumsulphate application on yield was non significant. However K-Mg interaction effect was significant and thehighest tuber yield was registered when K2 O was applied @ 100 kg/ha along with foliar application ofMgSO4 @ 10 kg/ha as well as K2 O @ 100 kg/ha with soil application of MgSO4 @ 40 kg/ha which were atpar.

Author Biographies

Aswani S, Kerala Agricultural University

MSc Agronomy Student

Prameela P, Kerala Agricultural University

Professor (Agronomy), KAU

Syama S Menon, Kerala Agricultural University

Assistant professor (Agronomy)

Bindhu P.S., Kerala Agricultural University

Assistant professor (Soil Science)Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kottayam


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How to Cite

S, A., P, P., Menon, S. S., & P.S., B. (2024). Potassium-magnesium interaction in coleus [Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir) J.K. Morton] productivity. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 61(2), 305–309. Retrieved from https://jtropag.kau.in/index.php/ojs2/article/view/1184



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